Friday, January 29, 2010

Fleetwood Mac said it best, "Tell me Lies"

OK everyone, M Linden has finally said something, but as usual, it's the normal Propaganda BullShit that Linden Lab is noted for.

Instead of me commenting on what M Linden says, I would rather you read it for yourself, and just keep playing Fleetwood Mac in the Background, "Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies"....

Sing it for me M


Anonymous said...

Yo Bob, are you still doing the new player classes?

How're your dogs?

Bob Bunderfeld said...

Uncle Bob is currently NOT doing much of anything, with the exception of cringing from all the pain. Hopefully after Friday we will have a new round of medication added so I can get back to level 3 of pain :)

Dogs are fine, they are both sitting here looking at me actually, wondering what the heck I'm doing with that rectangle thing in my lap :)