Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling....

Keep those doggies rolling!

Uncle Philip and Aunty Robin seem to be going for a new record this week with ROLLING RESTARTS, we are up to three (four if you count the RESTORES they had to do).

Gee, guess Cory wasn't the problem after all. All you employee's at Linden Lab, I would be worried, cuz Philip isn't going to fire himself, no matter how inept he is, so hope he doesn't blame you for what's going on, like he did with Cory.

Rolling Rolling Rolling....keep those doggies Rolling!


Linden Lab has set a NEW ROLLING RESTART Record this week. No less then FIVE Rolling Restarts have been instigated by Linden Lab, and we still have Saturday and Sunday to go! Will Linden Lab continue to press on and make it a perfect 7 just as the Patriots attempt a perfect season? Let's hear it for our Favorite IT Dept., who are working furiously to disrupt the many Second Lives.

GOD HELP US - Cory Can't


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