Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Password Reset, never heard of it...why?


At 11:52AM CDT I received an email from Linden Lab stating that because of changes (or should that be ADDITIONS of) to the COMMUNITY REGISTRATION PORTALS, SOME customers passwords had to be changed. In order to accomplish this though you will need to contact SUPPORT over the phone; International Residents can file a TICKET through the Support Portal and someone will get back to you as soon as they can.

This was MORE then 24 Hours AFTER I had fixed the problem, and again, this issue still has not appeared on the "official" communication portal of Linden Lab; the Second Life Blog!


Sometime yesterday, someone at Linden Lab, or someone at one of the co-hosting locations, did something to cause THOUSANDS of Second Life users to contact Second Life Support to have their passwords reset.

I know this firsthand because I was ONE of those THOUSANDS that had to wait through endless explanations of how support was answering the calls as fast as possible. I waited for at least 15 minutes before a very nice Support person apologized profusely for the problem I was having, but refused to shed light on WHO or WHAT caused the problem.

What makes this even stranger, is that there is NO EXPLANATION on the Linden Lab BLOG as to what happened or why it happened. Linden Lab has said numerous times that they were efforting to communicate with their Customers better, yet a full 36 hours after something like this occurs, Linden Lab hasn't said a thing about it. Just how can you expect your customers to believe you are sincere about keeping them informed, when you don't utilize your OWN Blog to explain a major issue like this? Not only is Linden Lab turning a blind eye to the problems of Second Life, now they are turning a deaf ear to their own customers.

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